That day. The day of my attempt. When I was racing down the road in my van looking for a way to end my life, I couldn’t think of one single reason to keep living. Not one. And so this is what I’d like to present to you today. Three simple reasons for you to keep living and fight your depression.


#1: You’re a Person

I’ve spoken to tens of thousands of people across the nation. I’ve spoken to hundreds of depressed and suicidal teens, their friends, and their family. And not once have I found someone who doesn’t have skills, talents, worth, or a future. Never have I seen somebody who doesn’t have someone out there who loves them. And as a person with unique talents, skills, passions, and character, the world would be a worse place without you. I believed that the world would be a better place without me, but through each life that I’ve been able to impact, I’ve realized just how wrong I was.


#2: You CAN Fight This

And again, remember that I was where you are. I was in that pit of darkness and felt like I had no way out. The thing is that when you think of fighting, it can be a very simple action. Doing 20 jumping jacks every morning is a way to fight. Choosing to eat something good for you over something that hurts you in body and mind is a way to fight. Doing your best to go to sleep and wake up at a certain time is a way to fight. Being honest with your therapist or taking medication are awesome ways to fight.

So let’s not think of fighting as this huge impossible task, but rather small actions that lead to a gradual improvement over time. Remember:

The goal isn’t to be perfect today, but simply better tomorrow.


#3: You Can WIN!

Every time I talk to a teen who’s suffering from depression, I wish that they could see what I see in them. Because I can see the hopes and dreams within them, even if they can’t. I see myself only a few short years ago in them, and all I can think is how many people they could impact with their lives if they overcome this terrible struggle like I did.

If I could overcome this disease, so can you.

I hope you found these reasons helpful. And if you’re looking for more ways to overcome your depression or help someone else, check out my free ebook detailing everything I did to heal myself.

U can’t b erased.