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Share what you’re going through

everything you tell me is confidential and I’ll do my best to be the friend and guide you need right now for yourself or a loved one

The Socials […]

By |2022-10-25T15:03:14+00:00September 25th, 2020|


I’ve spoken around the world to tens of thousands of teens, parents, educators, and more. Bring me to your school or event to give hope and information to those who are suffering the most.

Read more about the life-saving work I’ve been performing over the last 7 years. If you’re wondering if […]

By |2020-10-01T10:29:19+00:00September 25th, 2020|


I’m Lilith, and you might know about me already, but you haven’t heard the whole story. I haven’t been completely honest with my struggles and keeping that secret has been eating my alive.

As far back as my memory goes, I’ve been anxious and depressed. I was raised in a loud, busy household […]

By |2021-03-26T21:06:04+00:00September 22nd, 2020|

When It All Becomes Too Much to Handle

This is two months past due.

I’ve had to make some choices this year after I was slapped in the face by life. I learned the hard way again that you can only go so long adding more and more responsibilities and projects to my life before I burn out or have to remove something. […]

By |2019-07-29T21:49:32+00:00July 29th, 2019|Categories: Confidence|Tags: , , |

The Problem with the Modern Mental Health Conversation

My life’s mission is spreading awareness of mental health and resources for those struggling with mental illnesses, so you’d think I’d be super happy to see what’s happening with people openly talking about their depression and anxiety. But I really don’t know if we’re moving in the right direction or not. […]

By |2020-09-26T21:45:48+00:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Be Unashamed.|Tags: , , |

Stress: Let’s Finally Do Something About It

Nobody likes stress. Nobody wants it. Then why is it that so few are actively reducing the stress in their life? In my latest podcast session, I look at some common stressors and what to do about them.


“Everyone knows that stress can have serious negative mental and physical effects, but most don’t know how […]

By |2018-05-26T01:37:17+00:00October 10th, 2017|Categories: Anxiety, Podcast|Tags: |

An Almost Unknown Mental Illness with Millie French

Millie joins me on the PSYC 101 podcast all the way from Australia to discuss her challenges with depression, anxiety, and depersonalization/derealization (dp/dr). We talk about her struggles and dive deep into what it’s like to experience dp/dr, conditions which I wasn’t even aware of until recently, so anyone struggling with them can find […]

By |2020-09-26T18:00:57+00:00October 4th, 2017|Categories: Activists, Podcast|Tags: |

What’s Your Coping Mechanism & How Do You Overcome It?

We all cope with the bad stuff in our lives in different ways. But there are many unhealthy ways of coping that separate us from the problem rather than dealing with it. So, here’s a list of the main ways you can cope by avoiding the pain.


This is pretty simple and straightforward. You deny […]

By |2018-05-26T01:43:24+00:00September 20th, 2017|Categories: Overcome, Podcast, Recognize|Tags: , , , |

Influence Your Mental Health with Colors

I’ve bet you’ve never thought about how the colors that you surround yourself with impact your mood and mental health. Ever since I studied color theory in my marketing class, I’ve been fascinated with this facet of psychology. And in fact, if you never want to see companies the same again, look into

By |2021-03-17T01:01:58+00:00August 14th, 2017|Categories: Cool Psychology!, Overcome|Tags: , , , |

Is 13 Reasons Why Bad for Teens’ Mental Health?

You’ve asked, you’ve asked, and you’ve asked. So finally, here are my thoughts on 13 Reasons Why.

If you haven’t heard of it already, Netflix has released an original show called 13 Reasons Why. There’s been a lot of press about it (mostly negative), and I’ve been asked by teens, parents, and everyone else about […]

By |2019-02-04T23:28:09+00:00August 11th, 2017|Categories: Be Unashamed.|

How to Be Unashamed.

So, you want to be unashamed?

Great! But first, let’s be clear on exactly what being unashamed really means. It’s simple: using your experiences (the good and, especially, the bad) to improve yourself and those around you. The point of it all is to share your story, empathize with […]

By |2019-02-27T20:29:17+00:00June 8th, 2017|


Take Action


Each year, I inspire and inform thousands of teens, parents, and others through my talks. Hear my story, learn the signs of depression, and discover how to overcome mental health challenges and help […]

By |2019-05-22T09:13:59+00:00May 26th, 2017|
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